AI in Summer Camps (part 1)

I recently returned from a conference where I was shocked to find there was a degree of fear surrounding AI. That it had no place at Camp, or was cheating, or Lazy. I don’t know if people didn’t understand AI or fail to see how it could help, and simply thought it was better to appear a Luddite than look ignorant.

So I decided to be all Meta about this and ask Chat-GPT to write a post that explains how AI can be used at Camp. Here it is, our first guest post.

AI in Summer Camps: A Game-Changer on the Horizon

- By Chat-GPT

Hey there, camp leaders!

As we collectively emerge from another summer of memorable campfires, lifelong friendships, and those unforgettable experiences only camp can provide, I want to chat about something a little different today. No, it's not about the latest team-building activity or the most efficient way to pack a camp lunch, but something that's gradually nudging its way into the realm of summer camps: Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Now, before you click away thinking this is some tech jargon better left for the Silicon Valley folks, bear with me. Remember the headache of processing hundreds (or thousands) of registration forms, especially those pesky medical forms? Or the time-consuming task of scheduling events to ensure no two exciting activities overlap? AI could be the game-changer we've all been waiting for.

Why AI and Why Now?

The world around us is evolving rapidly, and AI is at the helm of this change. From the smartphone in your pocket to the systems that streamline huge corporations, AI is everywhere. And while the camping industry might feel distant from the digital world, the benefits AI can bring are too significant to ignore.

AI to the Rescue!

Imagine a system where registration forms auto-populate, drawing data from past years, ensuring all details are up-to-date, and flagging any missing or potentially erroneous information. That medical form? Picture it being processed and sorted, with AI systems identifying any potential medical concerns and sorting them into categories for the camp nurse or doctor to review. Not only does this save time, but it also ensures a higher level of safety and attention to individual camper needs.

But, How Complex Is It?

Let's set things straight. Incorporating AI doesn't mean turning your camp into a scene from a sci-fi movie. It's about smart, behind-the-scenes processes that save time and effort, letting you focus on what you love most – creating magical camp experiences.

Given the relatively new intersection of AI with camping, there's a world of possibility out there. It's like setting up camp in an unexplored wilderness (but with a map called AI).

Why Should You Care?

Being ahead of the curve isn't just a fancy term. It's about remaining competitive, efficient, and ready for the future. While the core essence of camping – connection, nature, and learning – remains timeless, the tools we use to manage and enhance these experiences can and should evolve.

Here's the big takeaway: **AI is not just coming; it's already here**. If you're waiting for a sign or a "perfect moment" to dip your toes into this vast ocean, consider this your wake-up call. The camping industry might not be the first to adopt AI, but it doesn’t have to be the last either.

In Conclusion

AI isn't about replacing the human touch that's integral to the camp experience. It's about enhancing it. By embracing AI, you're not just keeping up with the times; you're ensuring your camp continues to flourish and stand out in an ever-evolving world.

So, fellow camp leaders, let’s embark on this new adventure together. Let’s explore, learn, and innovate, ensuring the camping experience remains as enchanting as ever, but with a sprinkle of AI magic.


I think we can agree it’s a little bit shit.  But this isn’t something that we should dismiss.  Like anything you need to use the right tools for the right job. Tools like ChatGPT can be pivotal in areas like content creation, market research, and idea brainstorming, but they are only as good as how you communicate with them. That’s where the real magic lies. Let's explore the art of asking and see why this turned out the way it did.


The Initial Prompt


Your initial interaction with ChatGPT is crucial. It sets the tone and direction. Think of it as giving a brief to a new employee. 

Do: Be specific. Instead of saying "Tell me about digital marketing," you could ask, "Can you provide a detailed overview of digital marketing strategies effective for the Summer Camping Indusrty in 2023?"

Don't: Keep it too vague. If you're unclear, you risk getting generic or broad answers.

Here is the prompt I used for the above post.

in a moment I am going to ask you to write a blog post. The blog post will be about AI in the summer Camp industry and how it will affect summer camps. The Blog will be aimed at summer camp professionals. Program directors, executives’ directors, and owners. The scope will explore the potential AI has to change the industry for the better. It will be between 1000 and 1500 words and written in a conversational style. It should feel like the blog from Before you write the blog do you have any further questions?


I have tried to be specific in my request.  I need a blog post.  This is the industry its for.  Who will read it the industry.  The scope of the post, the length, and the style. I have asked it to review my other writing and make them sound the same.  Finally I asked it if it had any clarifying questions.



Deep Dive: The Follow-Up

It came back with a list of questions.

Thank you for the detailed instructions. I do have a few questions to better tailor the content to your needs:

1. Specific Applications: Are there specific applications or areas within the summer camp industry where you envision AI having the most impact? For example, personalized learning, activity scheduling, safety measures, etc.

2. Current State: Is there any AI already in use within the summer camp industry that you're aware of, which I should reference or be aware of?

3. Target Audience's AI Familiarity: How familiar do you believe the target audience is with AI? This will help me determine how much background information to include.

4. Tone & Voice: The tone is conversational, as mentioned. Should it lean more towards enthusiastic optimism about AI's potential, a balanced overview, or a cautious optimism with a touch of skepticism?

5. Any Key Takeaways or Call to Actions?: Is there a specific action or thought you want readers to come away with after reading the blog.

Once I have these details, I can craft a post that is tailored to your audience's needs and interests.

So here are my answers. Miss spelling and all.

1.  time saving applications that process or auto fill forms especially medical forms. 2. there is little understanding of AI in Camping. 3. this should be for all levels of familiarity.  it should be conversational yet educational.  the key take away should be that AI is coming and if they want to be competitive they need to act know rather than wait.


The result is what you read above.  But we could have dived deeper with more follow ups.

“can you give more details for a camp that deals with medical needs?”

Or even more specifically

"Which of these strategies would be most effective for a niche like a Camp for Kids with type 1 diabetes?"


This sequential approach ensures you’re honing in on the specifics, leveraging ChatGPT's vast knowledge base.


Thinking Out of the Box


Push ChatGPT to think creatively. It's not just a fact-machine. For brainstorming sessions, try prompts like: "Give me five innovative marketing campaign ideas for launching a new eco-friendly travel camp."


The Feedback Loop


Building a feedback loop is key. After getting your answer, if something feels off or not detailed enough, communicate that: "Can you provide more detail on the second idea?" or "How would that apply to a target audience of millennials?"


Getting the Most for Business


Want to tap into market insights? Use prompts like, "What are the emerging trends in [ High Ropes] for the upcoming year?" or "Describe the challenges businesses in [ Lake inflatables] faced in the past year."

 "Outline a six-month content plan to boost engagement on our Instagram."


Mastering the art of prompting is your ticket to unlocking ChatGPT’s vast potential for your business. Think of it as a dynamic tool, a team member that’s there 24/7, ready to provide insights, drafts, and data. But, like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you wield it.


Embrace the future, ChatGPT and AI are not just about technology; they're about enhancing human potential. So go ahead, craft those perfect prompts, and let AI elevate your business game!

Camp Mechanic

The Camp Mechanic has been a Camp Professional since 1997. Though he has taken career detours into Central Government, running residential teen treatment facilities, and a brief tenure as a shopping mall santa Camping remains his passion.

Since returning to camping in 2013 , after a 10 year break, the mechanic has added millions of dollars of value to his programs by focusing on the often overlooked area of the camp industry; Parents.

The mechanic is a popular speaker and staff trainer that focuses on behavior, mental health, and the parent experience.


AI at summer camp (Part 2)


Random Musings