AI at summer camp (Part 2)

We saw here that IA clearly thinks that there is a role for AI at Camp.  This time we are going to look at how AI can make your life a little easier the first time you log in.  Once you see its benefit, I encourage you to play around.

Despite what you have heard AI won’t steal your job, but someone that knows how to leverage it better than you might so it’s best to stay ahead of the curve.

I use a handful of different AI Platforms. ChatGPT is my go-to.  (I have the $20 dollar a month plan as I use it a lot, and the plan gives frequent users some additional benifits.) I use Claude from Anthrop\c as it lets me upload PDF’s and analyze them.  I use the free version. I use for images, because I forgot to cancel a free trail and now I have it for a year.  There are a lot out there, I don’t know what is best. But I use these three and I am happy.

Let’s go!

Open up up Chat GPT and copy and paste the following into the box that says “send a message’


In a moment I am going to ask you to create a social media Calander for Instagram posts.  The Calander will count down 25 days to summer camp.  I would like it to be formatted as a table with three columns.  The first column will have your suggested text for the post.  the second column will have a suggested picture and the third column will have your suggested text prompt for a AI image generator.  Before you create this table do you have any questions about the camp?


Here we are asking it to build a social media calendar.  I have stated the format I want it in.  In this case three columns.  I have told it what the calendar will be used for and asked it to ask questions so we can drill down and get specific. And it replies.


I'd be happy to help you create a social media calendar for Instagram posts counting down 25 days to summer camp. To get started, it would be helpful to have some information about the camp. Please provide details such as the camp's name, location, theme, and any specific activities or highlights you'd like to promote in the posts. Additionally, if there are any hashtags or specific branding guidelines for the camp, please share them. With this information, I can create a more tailored and engaging content calendar for you.


I then give it the details of the camp I am currently working at and answer the other questions it has.

YMCA Camp Cristina, it is in River view Florida.  It is a YMCA Day camp.  We have archery, a ropes course, canoes, horseback riding, team games, a morning assembly every day that we call morning council.  we want every one that attends camp to feel like we awaken dreams inspire the imagination and make people think they are a part of something special.

And then it produces what I need.


Thank you for providing information about YMCA Camp Cristina in Riverview, Florida. With this information in mind, I'll create a social media calendar counting down 25 days to summer camp on Instagram. The goal is to inspire excitement and convey the special experience your camp offers. Here's a suggested content calendar:

 (Sorry the Emojis did copy over well)

I tend not to use the exact copy that it provides, but use is as a good first or even second draft I can then edit and refine the text it gives me, or use them as inspiration and write my own. But it gave me 25 diffirent ideas (I didnt show them here due to space.) that gave me ideas I would never have considered.  It gives you an image suggestion to match the quote and then if I don’t have an image that matches the description. You can hop on over to and enter the prompt it gave me in the Text to Image generator. "A vibrant sunrise over a serene lake, setting the stage for an epic summer adventure."

Here is the first one:

"A vibrant sunrise over a serene lake, setting the stage for an epic summer adventure."

You may have heard the AI hallucinates. Well that was certainly the case with its attempt at archery.

 But if you refine your disciptions and give it guidance it can get you where you need to be (maybe).

Here is the day 20 prompt "High-fiving teammates celebrating a victory in a spirited game."

Close, but not there yet. So I asked it to generate “High-fiving teammates celebrating a victory in a spirited game of capture the flag at summer camp” and told it to avoid images of adults. It gave us this

So i refined it a final time with this prompt. “High-fiving children celebrating a victory in a spirited game of capture the flag at summer camp” and asked it to avoid adults and it gave me this picture

Which is freaky AF, and a thing from your nightmares. So it has some work to do. AI does struggle with people and faces so its best to stick with other images. It did generate me this which is really cool and quite campy

It’s certainly worth taking 10 or 15 minutes a day to play around to familiarize yourself with its capabilities. But it’s certainly not replacing your photographer next summer.

Despite its short comings AI photo editing is very good at quickly removing back grounds and some of the mutant six fingered hands which are worryingly common.

Camp Mechanic

The Camp Mechanic has been a Camp Professional since 1997. Though he has taken career detours into Central Government, running residential teen treatment facilities, and a brief tenure as a shopping mall santa Camping remains his passion.

Since returning to camping in 2013 , after a 10 year break, the mechanic has added millions of dollars of value to his programs by focusing on the often overlooked area of the camp industry; Parents.

The mechanic is a popular speaker and staff trainer that focuses on behavior, mental health, and the parent experience.


Unlocking the Power of Marginal Gains


AI in Summer Camps (part 1)